Christine Blin Christine Blin

You can ensure that your child is succeeding

Parents can ensure that their child understand numbers and mathematic by doing cool math games. Preschool activities with the newmero bricks.

The newmero bricks are educational toys for girls.

A significant number of children are falling behind on reading, math and social skills. This is the result of a recent Danish study that has been done on children of ages 0-6 years. 
Shockingly, 15% of children entering the school at the age of 6 years, are more than 2 years behind the best ones in class (or 1 ½ year behind the average).

Children are disadvantaged later in school ... 

The challenge about this situation is that numerous other international studies have (re)confirmed that early childhood performance is a strong indicator of later achievements in school. In fact, early math skills were found to have the greatest predictive power, followed by reading and then attention skills. By contrast, for example, social skills were generally insignificant predictors of later academic performance.
In other words, numeracy is one of the most important skills we can give children in the early years.

Parents can make a difference

Families play the most important role in the development of children’s early reading and mathematics skills.

Developing your child’s mathematic skills - whether you want to give him/her a head start or help to close a learning gap - is really not that hard.

We have developed innovative and award-winning number bricks that help you give your child the understanding of numbers in a fun and intuitive way. 

The newmero bricks is a learning toys for kids

See how the newmero bricks are used on our math games videos or simply go on to test them out for yourselves. Here is the list of the shops in your country.

Enjoy and have fun! 
Christine and Allan

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